Marlin Firmware

After assembling the RAMPS 1.4 controller, Arduino MEGA board, an LED screen, as well as the motor drivers and wiring, we flashed Marlin Firmware onto the Arduino MEGA board using Arduino software.

Marlin firmware version – used to control the 3D printer and CNC machine

The marlin firmware allowed us to take control of the 3D printer by rotating and clicking a knob. Using similar steps per mm values as other 3D printers in the laboratory, we managed to calibrate the 3D printer such that 10 mm on the firmware equated to 10 mm of movement on the actual axis. Following this calibration, we continued the use of Marlin firmware to control the printer as it is convenient.

We have also used the Marlin firmware to modify the speed of the moving axes by changing the maximum default feedrate.

For more information regarding the Marlin firmware, please go to