Hungry for change : reducing food waste among youths in Singapore

Heng Jian Siong, Jheong Qi Lin, Leong Su Wei Michelle, Nur Syahirah Binte Mazlan

Ms Pamela Tor Das



Hungry for Change is a change communication campaign calling for a reduction in food waste among youths when dining. The campaign was targeted at youths aged 17 to 25 years old studying in local polytechnics and universities. The main aim of the campaign was to encourage these youths to practise food waste reduction behaviour by asking for smaller portions so as to minimise the amount of food that would be wasted, especially when dining in their respective educational institutions. At the same time, the campaign hoped that these youths would carry these habits over into other dining situations. The Hungry for Change campaign did this by casting the spotlight on the problem of food waste in Singapore and educating youths about the implications involved.

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