ACOSKIN – Conscious Skin Beauty

Abstract or Summary of Project

Beauty and personal skincare market has been increasing exponentially over the years. Ranging from skin masks, bottled essence to edible beauty snacks. Massive number of online websites and advertisements features the promoted beauty products and their indicated properties. However, this gives rise to the question of what exactly is ‘sustainable’, ‘natural’ or ‘safe’ in such products.

ACOSKIN project aims to provide consumers with the relevant knowledge of the different chemical properties inside the beauty products. Utilising scientific facts and product scanning features to motivate consumers to trust and make choices for their own skin. With an interactive skin app, users will be empowered to buy products that suit their needs and improve their skin health at their own pace. Reducing misuse and misconception about skincare and beauty products. Guiding users towards a sustainable and ethical approach to skin health.

URL(s) of Video or Trailer

Link(s) to FYP Report in DR-NTU (Restricted to NTU Access)

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May 22, 2023