Ina Conradi-Chavez

Ina likes to break the rules to tell the story or to create a feeling while innovatively employing digital animation, VFX, and most recently stereography. The new ‘paintings’ are often unframed and experienced within the virtual immersive platforms, in cinema or in gallery spaces. Her films have been screened internationally at the Ars Electronica Festival, 3D -Beyond Festival ZKM, SIGGRAPH Asia Art Gallery, 67th Edinburgh International Film Festival, New Media Film Festival, SPARK [FWD] 3D, VFX & Advanced Imaging Vancouver, 67th Edinburgh International Film Festival, Brooklyn Film Festival, Anima Mundi Brazil, Dimension 3 Festival Paris, India’s Attakkalari Biennial Bangalore. She has been teaching at the Nanyang Technological University, School of Art, Design and Media since 2007. Ina is a member of Union of Slovene Fine Art Arts Association, (ZDSLU), and has been Japan Foundation Fellow since 1991. She holds MFA in Arts from UCLA.

Student Final Year Projects Supervised (37)

Digital Soul & Data Metamorphosis: Immortalising the Soul in the Age of Artificial Intelligence at NTU ADM Portfolio

Digital Soul & Data . . . Metamorphosis: Immortalising the Soul in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (2024)

Zhang Ziyi,

ACOSKIN – Conscious Skin Beauty at NTU ADM Portfolio

ACOSKIN – Conscious Skin . . . Beauty (2023)

Tan Kai Xin,

Solemn Creatures by Fashion Artifice at NTU ADM Portfolio

Solemn Creatures by Fashion . . . Artifice (2023)

Manasi Nair,

Inked Expressions: Bridging the Generational Divide at NTU ADM Portfolio

Inked Expressions: Bridging . . . the Generational Divide (2023)

Low Shan Wen, Andrea,

Pattern and Digital Placemaking at NTU ADM Portfolio

Pattern and Digital . . . Placemaking (2019)

Chua Xin Yi,

Mapping the Invisible: Transforming Singapore urban data into art through effective colour pallets at NTU ADM Portfolio

Mapping the Invisible: . . . Transforming Singapore urban data into art through effective colour pallets (2017)

Goh Shuhui,

Magical Portals: Connecting With Imaginary Worlds at NTU ADM Portfolio

Magical Portals: Connecting . . . With Imaginary Worlds (2016)

See Yu Xuan,

The Beginning – Conversations About Death at NTU ADM Portfolio

The Beginning – Conversations . . . About Death (2016)

Kylie Yeo,

Anicca – Embracing The Nature Of Impermanence at NTU ADM Portfolio

Anicca – Embracing The Nature . . . Of Impermanence (2016)

Rashna Shantini D/O Yeamalley Nair,

Student Projects by Coursework Taught (39)

Nurtured Streams: A Tribute To Maternal Bonding at NTU ADM Portfolio

Nurtured Streams: A Tribute To . . . Maternal Bonding (2024)

Nur Amirah binte M Saharudin,

Last Seen: In the Washing Machine at NTU ADM Portfolio

Last Seen: In the Washing . . . Machine (2021)

Ho Si Hui,

“Alice in Wonderland: Entering their Dreams” at NTU ADM Portfolio

“Alice in Wonderland: Entering . . . their Dreams” (2014)

Malissa Tan,

Parallel World of Communications at NTU ADM Portfolio

Parallel World of . . . Communications (2014)

Lek Yi Xian,