November 2015 Internship Briefing
Hello there! On the 18th November 2015, ADM had its annual internship briefing for all Year 3 students who are considering to take up the ADM internship between May – July 2016. Several speakers were invited to provide useful information on the importance of taking up a design internship.
Foreign Policy Design Group
Arthur Chin from Foreign Policy Design Group was specially invited to speak to ADM students on the benefits of taking on an internship for career building. Together with him, ADM alumni, Aurial Lee who graduated from Visual Communications 2 years ago also came by to share how her experiences of being an intern with Foreign Policy Design Group provided her the opportunity to grow as a designer. She is now a full time designer with the company and has recently been promoted.
Arthur Chin from Foreign Policy Design Group
ADM alumni, Aurial Lee from Foreign Policy Design Group on some of the projects she has been involved in
ADM student
Angela Yu Anqi, final year student from Product Design also shared her internship experience and tips on how to secure an internship position when she was a 3rd year student. Angela took the students through her journey – from drafting her CV from scratch to how she landed an internship with the Land Transport Authority (LTA). Her internship stint with LTA provided her the opportunity to work with design innovation firm IDEO on how to improve the public transport system in Singapore !
Angela talking through her experiences working with LTA and IDEO
Angela highlighting useful tips on the process of applying for an internship position
NTU Career and Attachment Office (CAO)
The NTU Career and Attachment office (CAO) representatives were also present to take the students through the internship application procedure – they outlined some important deadlines as well step-by-step instructions on how to go about registering for the internship online !
Representative from NTU Career and Attachment Office
Brochure prepared by NTU Career and Attachment Office
End of session Q&A
At the end of the session, students were provided the chance to mingle with all the speakers and walked away with lots of valuable first-hand advice and tips!
Second internship briefing in January 2016
For those who missed the first briefing, there will be another upcoming one in the month of January 2016. More details will follow-up in due time. Keep your eyes peeled for the email !
Review by Yuen Pei Yun