Economic Costs

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Association (FAO) reported that a third of all our food is wasted. This is equivalent to a global cost of more than $400 billion yearly. Further, this figure is expected to climb to $600 billion within ten years as the world population, especially the middle class, grows. However, up to $300 billion a year could be saved from minimizing food wastage. The UK-based Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) also predicted the costs of disposing food to be $1.5 billion in the US, and $450 million in the UK. The economic costs of Singapore’s food waste is less clear, but we can definitely put our money to better use if less money is spent on wasted food. The poster below shows a poster designed by NEA, which highlights the financial costs of food wastage, to discourage Singaporeans from wasting food.

Credit: NEA