Government Laws, Regulations & Incentives


Photo Credit: Urban Redevelopment Authority

The Singapore government can implement laws and regulations or give out incentives to encourage Singaporeans to adopt pro-social environmental behaviors. Some of the approaches that has been implemented are:

  • Switching from fuel oil to natural gas for energy generation
  • Require Green Mark Certification for all buildingsgreen mark
    – Launched in January 2005
    – A move towards building environmentally-friendly buildings
    – Facilitate reduction in water and energy bills
    – Reduce potential environmental impacts
  • Grant for Energy Efficient Technologies (GREET)
    – Encourage industrial owners to invest in energy efficient technologies
    – Funding of up to 20% of the qualifying costs, capped at S$4 million/project
  • Carbon Emissions-based Vehicle Scheme (CEVS)
    – Effective from January 2013
    – Rebates for those who purchase vehicles with low carbon emissions (i.e. less than or equal to 160g CO2/km)
  • Encourage switch from private to public mode of transportation
    – Plan to achieve 70:30 modal split between public and private transport
    – Expanding the MRT railway network
    – Increasing number of public buses

* Refer here for full report on Singapore’s plans to become more environmentally-friendly

While the Singapore government has clearly lain out its plans to address environmental concerns, more has to be done to make Singaporeans to want to participate in the proposed plans and work hand in hand with the government in tackling environmental issues. It is important that the plans proposed are desirable enough to encourage Singaporeans to adopt them. Singaporeans need to understand the rationale behind the need to change their current behaviors and would be more motivated to adopt them if the change in behavior do not result in any inconveniences or loss for them.

Some of the other possible ways that could be adopted by the government to promote pro-social environmental behavior are:

  • Improve bus frequency and timing by implementing bus lanes that operate all the time rather than just during specific hours
  • Improve train efficiency by ensuring that it does not constantly break down or experience delays in order to avoid causing travel inconveniences to commuters
  • In line with National Cycling Plan, make it mandatory for cyclists to wear helmets in order to promote safe cyclingrecycle
  • Encourage Singaporeans to purchase energy-efficient appliances by giving cash rebates or low interest loans
  • Educate Singaporeans of the need to recycle and manage their thrash rather than just allowing them to throw everything down the rubbish chute or just providing recycling bins for their use                                                                                                                                            Photo Credit: Flickr