Week 10 (March 24 – 28, 2014)

Generate rules from Decision Tree of Tonal Error

The path from root to leaf in a decision tree model represents the set of classification rules. The classification rule is able to provide a summery of the entire model and serves as the guideline to classify the new incoming data. The classification rules generated from the five decision tree models were shown in the following figures.

  • Rules for Tone 1


Error Pattern

Probability (No.of samples)


T1a [+1] –> [+3] / [+3*] [      ] [-4*](Previous said 3 is true and next said 4 is false) 0.691 点心 dessert

dian3 xin1 –> dian3 xin3

T1b [+1] –> [+4] / [+Uttinitial][ ]Tone 1 character is the first character in the sentence  0.553 辛苦 exhausting

xin1 ku3 –> xin4 ku3

T1c [+1] –> [+4] / [+3*] [      ] [+1*] 0.543 电芯盒 batteries box

dian4 xin1 he2 –> dian3 xin4 he1


T1d [+1] –> [+4] / [-3*] [+FinalVowel] 0.531 汽车 car

qi4 che1 –> qi4 che4


T1e [+1] –> [+3] / [+Uttinitial][+1*] 0.518 关注  attention

guan1 zhu4 –> guan3 zhu1

T1f [+1] –> [+2] / [-Uttinitial][        ][+Short] 0.478 不吃饭 do not eat

bu4 chi1 fan4 –> bu4 chi2 fan4

T1h [+1] –> [+4] / [     ] [+4*] 0.425 轰隆 bang

hong1 long2 –> hong4 long4

T1g [+1] –> [+4]: Default (all context other than the rules listed above) 0.423


  • Rules for Tone 2 
No. Error Pattern Probability (No.of samples) Examples
T2a [+2] –> [+1] / [ ] [+NasalFinal] [ ] 0.579 严肃 serious

yan2 su4 –> yan1 su4

T2b [+2] –> [+4] / [ ] [+InitSibil] [ ]*Initial Sibilant: z, c, s 0.527 责备 blame

ze2 bei4 –> ze4 bei4

T2c [+2] –> [+3] / [ ] [+SonorantInital] [+1*] 0.518 不如意 disappointment

ru2 yi4 –> ru3 yi1


T2d [+2] –> [+1] / [+3*]  ____ 0.473 冰河 glacial

bing1 he2 –> bing3 he1

T2e [+2] –> [+3] / [+UttInitial             ]  [ ]+SonorantInitial+NasalFinal


0.462 能力 ability

neng2 li4 –> neng3 li4

T2f [+2] –> [+4] / [ ] [+SonorantInitial] [ ] 0.453 开营式 camp opening ceremony

kai1 ying2 shi4 –> kai1 ying4 shi4


T2g [+2] –> [+1] / [ ] [+NasalFinal        ]+SonorantInitial  0.42 中文 Chinesezhong1 wen2 –> zhong1 wen1 
[+2] –> [+1]: Default, case other than T2b 0.434 水渠 drains

shui3 qu2 –> shui3 qu1

T2h [+2] –> [+4] / [ ] [+Diphong] [ ] 0.416 挨打 take a beatingai2 da3 à ai4 da3
T2i [+2] –> [+1] / [ ____  ] [+4*] 0.392 河川 river

he2 chuan1 –> he1 chuan4



  • Rules for Tone 3
No. Error Pattern Probability (No.of samples) Examples
T3a [+3] –> [+2] / [-3*][+UttFinal] 0.639 新领域 new areas

xin1 ling3 yu4 –> xin1 ling2 yu4


T3b [+3] –> [+2] / [ ] [+SonorantInitial] [ ] 0.559 电影院 cinema

dian4 ying3 yuan4 –> dian4 ying2 yuan4


T3c [+3] –> [+1] / [-3*] [-FinalVowel] 0.474 凶猛 firece

xiong1 meng3 –> xiong1 meng1


T3d [+3] –> [+2] / [ ] [+Short] [ ] 0.461 养老院 nursing home

yang2 lao3 yuan4 –> yang2 lao2 yuan4


T3e [+3] –> [+1] / [ ] [+NasalFinal     ]+InitialVoiced  0.459 充满 full

chong1 man3 –> chong1 man1

T3f [+3] –> [+2] / [ ] [+NasalFinal     ] [ ]-InitialVoiced  0.449 核反应 nuclear reaction

he2 fan3 ying4 –> he2 fan2 ying4

T3g [+3] –> [+1] / [+3*] [+FinalVowel][-InitialVowel] 0.426 练武术 practicing martial arts

lian4 wu3 shu4 –> lian3 wu1 shu4

T3h [+3] –> [+2] / [ ] [+Diphthong] [ ] 0.412 偶然 accidental

ou3 ran2 –> ou2 ran2


T3i [+3] –> [+2] / [+3*] [+FinalVowel] [+InitialVowel] 大企鹅 big penguin

da4 qi3 e2 –> da3 qi2 e2

T3j [+3] –> [+1]: Default any case other than T3h 0.348 以为 that

yi3 wei2 –> yi1 wei2


  • Rules for Tone 4
No. Error Pattern Probability (No.of samples) Examples
T4a [+4] –> [+2] / [ ] [+SonorantInitial]+UttFinal 0.544 八日 the eighth (of the month)

ba1 ri4 –> ba1 ri2


T4b [+4] –> [+1]: Default any case other than T4a 0.505 大人 adult

da4 ren2 –> da1 ren2

T4c [+4] –> [+1] / [ ] [-DiphFalling] [-1*] 0.493
T4d [+4] –> [+3]: Default any case other than T4c 0.48
T4e [+4] –> [+2] / [ ] [+SonorantInitial] [-1*] 0.468 易容 disguise

yi4 rong2 –> yi2 rong2


T4f [+4] –> [+1] / [+3*] [+SonorantInitial] [ ] 0.436 容易 easy

rong2 yi4 –> rong3 yi1


T4g [+4] –> [+1] / [+UttInitial          ]+SonorantInitial 0.434 利息 interest

li4 xi1 –> li1 xi1


T4h [+4] –> [+3]: Any case other than T4d 0.421


  • Rules for Tone 5
No. Error Pattern Probability (No.of samples) Examples
T5a [+5] –> [+2] / [ ] [+NasalInitial] [ ] 0.566 什么 what

shen2 me5 –> shen2 me2

T5b [+5] –> [+4] / [+3*] [+FinalVowel] [ ] 0.5 案子 case

an4 zi5 –> an3 zi4

T5c [+5] –> [+4] / [ ] [+FinalVowel         ] [  ]+InitialRetroflex  0.434 叔叔 uncle

shu1 shu5 –> shu1 shu4

T5d [+5] –> [+1]: Any case other than T5f 0.416 婶婶 aunt

shen3 shen5 –> shen3 shen1

T5e [+5] –> [+4] / [-1*] [+FinalVowel] [ ] 0.408 胖子 fatty

pang4 zi5 –> pang4 zi4

T5f [+5] –> [+2] / [+FinalVowel] [___] [ ] 0.361 瘦子 thin

shou4 zi5 –> shou4 zi2

T5g [+5] –> [+3] / [ ] [+FinalVowel] [ ]+DiphFalling  0.325
T5h [+5] –> [+4] / [+1*] [+FinalVowel] [ ] 0.311 矮子 short person

ai3 zi5 –> ai1 zi4

T5i [+5] –> [+1] / [ ] [+FinalVowel      ] [ ]+RepeatSyllable 0.3 爸爸 father

ba4 ba5 –> ba4 ba1

* Diphthong: ai, ei, ao, ou