Tragedy of the Commons

The Tragedy of the Commons refers to the logic of use of a common pool resource (CPR) whereby each individual is self-interested and gains by consuming a common natural resources in which it is large and individuals sees little harm from their own use. However, when these resources are depleting fast due to the population and utilization reaching high levels with no care to the sustainability of the resource (Hardin, 1968).

This psychological theory can be applied to the case of declination of honey bees population in which human activities and behaviours might be the main causes of the phenomenon.

Cartoon describing Tragedy of the Commons. Source from SQ Swans Guerrylla EcoWarrior.

Cartoon describing Tragedy of the Commons. Source from SQ Swans Guerrylla EcoWarrior.

Human’s activities such as urban and suburban development, industrial agriculture, extraction of resources and so on are all behaviours of tragedy of the commons. We use the natural resources, animals and the environment in order to gain monetary and material values, thinking that it causes little to no harm to the environment, or even worse, ignoring the undesirable consequences despite being aware of it.

These behaviours cause the rapid decline of the habitats and increased pollutions of the natural environment. This then poses as a threat to many wildlife species that live in these natural environments, such as the honey bees. Furthermore, the pollutions also cause these animals to be susceptible to impairments or lower in immunity and causing mortality rate among organisms to increase. This is evident as in the case of the honey bees whereby the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is happening in many parts of the world. Eventually, the entire system, consisting of the wildlife fauna and flora that we have now, will be heavily affected and the ecosystem will ultimately collapse.

Therefore, it is crucial for people to be educated and be aware of the consequences of our actions and behaviours on the natural environment and the animals.