Green Buildings

Besides strengthening Singapore’s image as a City in a Garden, green buildings will significantly reduce carbon footprint by reducing waste, using sustainable materials, and using resources efficiently.

Credit: Asia Green Buildings

Credit: Asia Green Buildings

Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Green Mark Scheme

Credit: BCA

Credit: BCA

The BCA Green Mark scheme was launched in 2005 to evaluate and recognize buildings that promote sustainability. It helps to differentiate buildings in the market and therefore can help to boost corporate image and value of the building. By 2030, Singapore aims to increase the number of green mark awarded buildings from 25% to 80%. Under this scheme, incentives are also provided to encourage both existing and new buildings’ owners or developers to adopt energy-efficient technologies and practices.

PARKROYAL on Pickering

Credit: NCCS

Credit: NCCS

PARKROYAL on Pickering is notable for its “hotel in a garden” concept. Through the use of sustainability features such as the installation of photovoltaic cells and LED lighting, the amount of energy saved is enough to serve about 650 HDB households! More impressively, they also encourage their guests to recycle by providing a separate bin for recyclables such as plastic bottles. Although these technologies involve a substantial cost upfront, they lead to long-term savings. According to the Director of Marketing Communications of PARKROYAL, they have saved about 30% of energy costs.

Credit: Tripadvisor

Credit: Tripadvisor

Sustainable Construction Materials 

According to Singapore’s Waste Statistic 2014, the construction sector generated the most amount of waste. BCA also encouraged sustainable construction by reducing the use of natural resources and reusing materials. This will then in turn decrease waste production. If you are interested to find out more about it, you can click on this link.

Credit: BCA

Credit: BCA



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