Design Details Iteration
The Library worked closely with the Office of Facilities and Planning Management and a team of contractors on the design details, logistics and work schedule for the renovation project....
Start of Renovation
The 2 store rooms were cleared and would be renovated to cater for shelving furniture that is suitable for the storage and browsing of special collection and closed stacks...
Start of Renovation of Level 5
Soon after the Centre for Educational Development moved out of level 5 to its new office, renovation works began sometime in September 2008. The first phase included demolition of...
Design Brief for Re-configuration of Library 2 into Business Library
Library submitted a design brief for the re-configuration of Library 2 into Business Library to the Office of Facilities and Planning Management. In the design brief, the Library has...
Design Brief for WGWL Phase II Renovation
The Library has recently submitted a design brief for Phase II of WGW Library’s renovation. The plan is to renovate the 2 existing store rooms at the end of...
Design Brief for ACRC Phase III Renovation
Similar to any other Library renovation or building projects, a new design brief was written and submitted by the Library to the Office of Facilities and Planning Management. This...
Design Brief for LWN Library Level 5
A new design brief was written by Library and submitted to Office of Facilities Planning and Management in early July 2008. Like other design briefs written by the Library,...
Media Resource Library
There was no renovation of the Media Resource Library since its inception sometime in 2000 except for some minor reconfiguration of staff office space. MRL has a collection of...
Plans for ACRC Phase III Renovation
The Library is planning to renovate ACRC at the end of 2008. The objective of the renovation is to create a better and more conducive learning environment for the...
Renovation of HQ Staff Office (Updates)
The architect, with input from the Library, completed a draft layout plan for level 5 and we are currently in the process of revising the layout. Once the layout...