Reorganization of Business Collections
The Business collections in Business Library were reorganized after the relocation of Engineering collections to LWN Library. The new locations of the collections in Business Library are as followed:...
Relocation of Library 2 Staff
As part of Library’s plan to re-configure Library 2 into Business Library, part of the staff at Library 2 would be relocated to LWN Library level 3 in November...
Design Brief for Re-configuration of Library 2 into Business Library
Library submitted a design brief for the re-configuration of Library 2 into Business Library to the Office of Facilities and Planning Management. In the design brief, the Library has...
New Reading Corner
A new reading corner was created outside the photocopy room at Basement 3 to cater for greater variety in reading spaces in Library 2. This new space is equipped...
New Library Main Signage
A new signage “Library 2 – Business & Engineering Collections” was erected at the entrance of Library 2. Previously there was no signage to indicate the nature of the...
New Study Bench
A reading bench was added next to the windows at level B3 to cater to users who might need to use their laptops in the Library. It has altogether...
Installation of Acrylic Boards to Staircase
New acrylic boards were added to the metal railing of the main staircase in the Library. The boards were added for modesty reasons as the metal railing was quite...