Expansions & Relocations = More Books for YOU!
The Humanities & Social Sciences Library has expanded in its shelving capacity! The shelving capacity has grown from 33,030 to 82,320, a whopping 149% increase! For those who love...
Completion of Rearrangement and Addition of Shelves
The rearrangement and addition of shelves in HSS Library have been completed. The shelves have been rearranged to allow further addition of bookshelves. The additional shelves have increased the...
Rearrangement and Addition of Shelves
Shelves in HSS Library are currently being rearranged and new shelves will be added to increase the shelving capacity in HSS library. Books in the shelves that are being...
RFID Book Drop
A new 3M RFID 24-hour book drop has been added to facilitate users to return books when library is closed. It is located at the left of the library...
Library Begins Operations
Renovation work at the new interim HSS Library was completed and the Library begun operations on 24 March 08. We are grateful to Associate Professor Kwok Kian Woon for...
Installation of New Library Shelves
The Library is in the process of installing new shelves in HSS Library and soon the new graphic end panels (one of the highlights of HSS Library) and call...
Start of Renovation
The renovation tender has been awarded. The renovation of the new HSS Interim Library at S4-B3c has begun....
Design Brief
The Library is writing the design brief for the new interim HSS Library. The purpose of the design brief is to provide a broad concept plan and guide for...
Planning of New Interim HSS Library
Due to the rapid growth of the Chinese and English language humanities and social sciences collections in the existing HSS Library at S3.2-B5, shelving space has reached its maximum...