Completion of Early Textbook Collection Room
The renovation of Early Textbook Collection Room has been completed. It is a room uniquely designed for users to access the early textbooks for research purposes. In order to...
Reconfiguration of Staff Office to Early Textbook Collection Room
One of the rooms in Wang Gungwu Library (highlighted in red in the layout plan below) is currently undergoing renovation to transform into a special collection room. The room...
RFID Book Drop
A new 3M RFID 24-hour book drop has been installed somewhere close to the right-hand side of the library entrance to enable users to return books when library is...
Start of Renovation
The 2 store rooms were cleared and would be renovated to cater for shelving furniture that is suitable for the storage and browsing of special collection and closed stacks...
Design Brief for WGWL Phase II Renovation
The Library has recently submitted a design brief for Phase II of WGW Library’s renovation. The plan is to renovate the 2 existing store rooms at the end of...
Completion of Renovations at Wang Gungwu Library
The Wang Gungwu Library was re-opened in January 2008 after extensive renovation. The Library houses the personal collection donated by Professor Wang Gungwu and other books focusing on overseas...
Installation of New Library Shelves
As the renovation of the WGW library comes to an end, the installation of new shelves begins....
Start of Renovation
The WGW Library has begun its renovation and the expected completion date of renovation is October 2007....
Design Brief
The purpose of the brief is to provide a broad concept plan and guide for the interior design and layout of the WGW Library. This concept plan will describe...
New Wang Gungwu Library
A project was initiated by Chinese Heritage Centre (CHC) and NTU to have the WGW Library placed under the management of NTU Library. Our plan is to renovate the...