Innovation development

Singapore understands that to become more energy efficient, they need be more innovative in their use of technology so as to combat the effects of the climate change. Hence in 2006 The National Research Foundation launched the Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE). It plays host to several research centres set up by many top universities in the world. Among other It is trying to harness the potential of various renewable sources of energy such as solar and algae bio-fuels

TUM CREATE is a collaboration between the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University. They mainly focus on finding innovative environmentally efficient technology in the transportation sector. They have done extensive work on designing a purpose-built electric taxi, first of its kind. One of the biggest impediments that the researchers here face is to design a technology that is not need to be charged frequently. Although taxis in Singapore take up a minor 3% of the total vehicles their fuel consumption is at a high of 14%, so if a such a technology is actually possible we are looking at substantial decline in taxis fuel consumption.


Prototype of an Electric Taxi

Test-Bedding Opportunities

Any innovation before it can be launched needs to be tested for, hence along with establishing innovation hubs like CREATE the government has also established test bedding options. This allows the researchers to understand how they can make technology more resilient to real-life challenges.
Test Beds in Singapore