Internship 2021 Instagram Takeover
Head over to see the Internship Takeover 2021 on NTU ADM’s Instagram! You can find the stories on NTU ADM’s Instagram Highlights, where each senior shares a work day in various companies such as Fable (graphic design studio), Roger & Sons (furniture design), ipse ipsa ipsum (furniture showroom and company), Hello Group (casting company) and People With Motives (film production company).

January 2017 Internship Briefing
A second internship briefing session was held on 24th January 2017 for those who have missed the first round of briefings. Industry speakers from DIA Brands – Creative Director, Quentin Berryman and CEO, Nigel Smith were invited to speak with the 3rd year students about the importance of a design internship and also to share with them the agency’s work. Representatives from the Career and Attachment Office were also present to brief ADM students on the expectations of an ADM internship, the application process and the internship assessment criteria. It was a fruitful session as students got to hear from professionals from the industry as well as to collect important information regarding the ADM Internship.
DIA Brands
It was an engaging session with CEO of DIA Brands, Nigel Smith, as he kicked off the first half of the briefing by drawing links between the brain’s ability to perceive and remember imagery, to the way how a brand mark is conceived and recognized by the masses. Nigel also shared about what goes into consideration when agencies create a “remarkable branding”. An introduction to the agency’s work was also shared. We ended the first half of briefing with a “Guess-The-Brand” game where only a part of a brand mark is shown and we are supposed to guess the brand from that. It is interesting to see how we all managed to guess most of the brands with only a part of the brand mark shown, and that shows these brands are successful in creating a lasting impression amongst the masses.
Above: Nigel sharing the secret to creating a “remarkable brand”.
Above: Some of DIA Brands’ works.
Above: Game time ! Playing the game of “Guess the Brand”.
NTU Career and Attachment Office (CAO)
The NTU Career and Attachment office (CAO) representatives were also present to brief the 3rd year students regarding the internship application procedure and requirements. Ms Pfeiffer Chung from CAO, went through the dos-and-donts during internship, and also talked about the internship assessment criteria.
Above: Ms Pfeiffer Chung sharing guidelines of how to self-sourcing your own internship.
There was also a chance for students to interact with the industry guest speakers, staff from CAO and Ms Angeline Yam, the ADM Internship Coordinator to find out more clarify any questions about the ADM Internship.
Above: Students having a chat with Creative Director Quentin Berryman, from DIA Brands.
Review by Lee Ming Rui

November 2016 Internship Briefing
On the 9th November 2016, ADM had its annual internship briefing for all third year students who are considering to take up the ADM internship between May-July 2017. A 4th year senior was invited to share her internship journey with the 3rd year students. Representatives from the Career and Attachment Office were also present to brief ADM students on what to expect for an ADM internship and application procedures
Student Speaker
Aurelia Jessica, a final year student from Visual Communication shared with everyone her 2016 ADM internship experience with Twitter. Aurelia made use of both the ADM database of companies as well as going down the self-source pathway and eventually landed a stint with Twitter. Within weeks of starting out on her internship, she was entrusted to assist on design pitches for high profile clients such as Unilever, Samsung and Pepsi in a fast paced environment.
Aurelia enlightened potential interns who might be anxious about the internship application. She provided some useful tips, from how to prepare one’s resume and portfolio and what to expect during a job interview. Aurelia cautioned her juniors about the struggles one might face before landing an internship, however the experience has been a worthwhile learning curve for her. In true Twitter style, Aurelia summarized her internship experience in under 140 characters – “Through first-hand experience, learn about the industry, my possible career paths and about myself.” #InternshipGoals
Above: Aurelia summarizing her internship experience in true Twitter style
Above: Aurelia shared about the opportunities to make friends from all over the world while interning at Twitter
NTU Career and Attachment Office (CAO)
The NTU Career and Attachment office (CAO) representatives were also present to take the students through the internship application procedure and preparation works. They outlined some important deadlines as well as step-by-step instructions on how to go about registering for the internship online.
Above: Ms Pfeiffer Chung from NTU Career and Attachment Office briefing students on the details of an ADM internship – registration and preparation procedures.
End of session Q&A
At the end of the session, students were provided the chance to chat and clarify burning questions with all the speakers – 4th year student Aurelia Jessica, staff from CAO as well as ADM internship coordinator Ms Angeline Yam.
Above: 3rd year students checking in with Aurelia Jessica, a 4th year senior for internship advice and tips !
Above: Students having a chat with CAO (Career and Attachment Office) staff on the various internship application procedures.
Review by: Lydia Alexkartadjaja

Aurelia is a Visual Communication student who interned with news and social networking service Twitter during her ADM internship. Aurelia applied through the ADM database of companies as well as self-sourced companies on her own and eventually landed a 13 weeks placement with Twitter. Alongside with other itineraries lined up, she will be sharing with everyone her experiences on the different company sourcing options on:
Wednesday, 9th November @ ART B1-03
4:30pm – 5:30pm
Pop by and check out what Aurelia has to say about her journey ! She will be there to answer questions and provide useful advice. Meanwhile, below is a sneak peak of Aurelia’s experiences with Twitter during her internship !
What first got you interested in the ADM internship programme?
I have always wondered what I can do with my skills after graduation and how can I apply what I have learned into the real world out there. When I found out that ADM has a 10 weeks internship programme and also this blog to assist us in the internship journey, I set my mind to get onto it.
What was the most memorable experience during your internship?
I knew next to nothing about brand strategy when I started interning for Twitter, but within weeks I was thrown into the deep end helping out with design pitches for some high profile clients such as Unilever, Samsung, Pepsi and many more in a very fast paced environment. I was attached with a team comprising of colleagues of 6 different nationalities located across 4 countries. My colleagues were very supportive of my internship throughout the internship and gave me lots of opportunities to get involved in the projects which helped me grow immensely as a professional creative. I have enjoyed being part of the team and have huge respect for their professionalism and expertise.
What was the coolest/weirdest/craziest thing that happened while on the job?
There is never a dull moment at the Twitter office but the coolest part of the job are the opportunities to make friends from all over the world. Due to the multinational nature of the company, I got acquainted with many very talented and interesting people from different backgrounds and nationalities. There were Singaporeans, Indonesians, Indians, Chinese, Americans, English, Russians and many more! The company’s open and easy-going culture provided lots of opportunities for its employees to interact with colleagues outside of their own team. In the span of 13 weeks, I had a regular table football rival whom I play with daily, I had coffee with different people each week, watched NBA live-screening for the first time, attended an extravagant US embassy party and got to know the names of some of my colleagues kids and pets ( yes, one of them smuggled her corgi into the office once!). Apart from the weekly lunches, the office also organizes fun events such as yoga sessions, chili eating competition and also an annual summer party at a club in Sentosa!
What would you say is the biggest takeaway from the entire internship programme?
It is important to get onto the internship with an open mind and the hunger to learn. I have developed observation skills and the ability to adapt and be flexible in various crucial circumstances. As an intern, I found that many things were new for me so it is important to observe carefully and adjust decisions accordingly depending on the situation. I have also learned to contribute to the team by either drawing from my own studies or from my own unique experiences allowing me the opportunity to be more outspoken.
AY2015/16 Internship briefing
A second internship talk for AY2015/16 was organized in January 2016 for those who missed the first round back in November 2015.
Final year Digital Filmmaking student, Lena Goh was invited to share with everyone her experiences being in the team of Marina Bay Sands. She was featured a while ago in one of our blogpost, sharing about her highlights while on the job. One of it being her most unforgettable experience – having the opportunity of meeting and working with internationally renowned celebrity chef, Gordon Ramsay!
Lena sure did enlightened a roomful of potential student interns, all hungry to get a taste of the real world experience! She shared some of her job scopes and even screened a few videos to present what her team at work had done. Lena also provided some useful tips, from how to go about preparing one’s portfolio, to what students should keep in mind when preparing for the interview!
Above: Lena presenting “behind the scenes” work with the video production team! They were working on the video production to promote Gordon Ramsay’s new restaurant at MBS.
Above: Lena sharing some of the places she visited while on the job and also the responsibilities she undertook while interning with MBS.
Above: Ms Angeline Yam, the ADM internship co-ordinator going through the pros and cons of the self-source internship option.
Below: The NTU Career and Attachment staff were also present at the talk to answer various internship application procedure questions from students after the talk.
Review by Yuen Pei Yun

Lena is a digital filmmaking student who interned with Marina Bay Sands (MBS) for 10 weeks under the 2015 ADM internship programme. She was attached to the organization via the ADM database of companies. All companies under this ADM database are companies who are already looking and eager to provide internship experiences to our ADM students !
Lena will be sharing with everyone her internship experience in person on the 28th of January 2016, 12:00pm @ Library Cinema Room . Do come by and listen to what she has to say! She will be there to answer questions and provide useful advises! Meanwhile, below is a sneak peek of Lena’s experiences with MBS!
What first got you interested in the ADM internship programme?
“Internship is 6 AUs worth? Hmm…” Spending the summer break earning some money, doing cool new things at work while adding value to my resumé, and even shaving off some AUs? Sounds like a win-win situation to me.
What was the most memorable experience during your internship?
Just experiencing the whole running of the company, really. I chose a pretty big company that has about 9000 employees, so it was pretty cool to see how everything was run and how they try to unite their employees through various company activities.
I mean, it was a huge corporate organization that was run based on both Singaporean and American laws. It is the company culture that every employee, no matter what their position is will be introduced as a ‘team member’ of the organization. Regular events are often held for all team members. For instant, there was a dinner invitation to all muslim employees to break Ramada fasting together. Unfortunately, I did not get the chance to participate in such events during my short stint there.
What was the coolest/weirdest/craziest thing that happened while on the job?
I think the highlight would easily be meeting celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay in person for a video shoot. Gordon Ramsay came to Marina Bay Sands (where I was interning) for the opening of his new celebrity restaurant Bread Street Kitchen. The whole video production crew worked like clockwork trying to get things done quickly and precisely so we wouldn’t have to keep Gordon waiting.
I was basically the intern doing a bunch of simple technical things on set like running to retrieve extension cables, taking down lights and adjusting the props. I was also clapping the slate in front of Gordon’s face !
What would you say is the biggest takeaway from the entire internship programme?
A cool experience and I made a really good friend. She’s a full-time staff at MBS whom I worked very closely with in the second half of my internship. She was greatly helpful in making my time at MBS worth looking forward to each day, by sharing advise with me what to take note of when working with certain colleagues and also connecting me with some other fun colleagues from other departments !
12noon – 12:30pm
Show and tell session by final year film student Lena Goh
Lena was attached with Marina Bay sands during her 3rd year internship stint via the ADM database list of companies. She spent 10 weeks with the video production team working on celebrity chef – Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant opening. She will be sharing with everyone her experiences and tips in securing an internship.
Internship application procedure briefing by Lecturer Angeline Yam (Internship coordinator)
• A short briefing of the application procedure online and the different types of internship routes one can take up.
12:45pm – 1pm
Informal mingling session
For those who are too shy to ask questions, this will be a good time for you to mingle informally with us to clarify any burning questions that you may have on the internship programme.
November 2015 Internship Briefing
Hello there! On the 18th November 2015, ADM had its annual internship briefing for all Year 3 students who are considering to take up the ADM internship between May – July 2016. Several speakers were invited to provide useful information on the importance of taking up a design internship.
Foreign Policy Design Group
Arthur Chin from Foreign Policy Design Group was specially invited to speak to ADM students on the benefits of taking on an internship for career building. Together with him, ADM alumni, Aurial Lee who graduated from Visual Communications 2 years ago also came by to share how her experiences of being an intern with Foreign Policy Design Group provided her the opportunity to grow as a designer. She is now a full time designer with the company and has recently been promoted.
Arthur Chin from Foreign Policy Design Group
ADM alumni, Aurial Lee from Foreign Policy Design Group on some of the projects she has been involved in
ADM student
Angela Yu Anqi, final year student from Product Design also shared her internship experience and tips on how to secure an internship position when she was a 3rd year student. Angela took the students through her journey – from drafting her CV from scratch to how she landed an internship with the Land Transport Authority (LTA). Her internship stint with LTA provided her the opportunity to work with design innovation firm IDEO on how to improve the public transport system in Singapore !
Angela talking through her experiences working with LTA and IDEO
Angela highlighting useful tips on the process of applying for an internship position
NTU Career and Attachment Office (CAO)
The NTU Career and Attachment office (CAO) representatives were also present to take the students through the internship application procedure – they outlined some important deadlines as well step-by-step instructions on how to go about registering for the internship online !
Representative from NTU Career and Attachment Office
Brochure prepared by NTU Career and Attachment Office
End of session Q&A
At the end of the session, students were provided the chance to mingle with all the speakers and walked away with lots of valuable first-hand advice and tips!
Second internship briefing in January 2016
For those who missed the first briefing, there will be another upcoming one in the month of January 2016. More details will follow-up in due time. Keep your eyes peeled for the email !
Review by Yuen Pei Yun

Angela is a product design student who interned with the organization Land Transport Authority (LTA) for 10 weeks under the 2015 ADM internship programme. Angela was placed with LTA by making use of the ADM database of companies. All companies under this ADM database are companies who are already looking and eager to provide internship experiences to our ADM students !
Angela will be sharing with everyone her experiences in person on the 18th of November 2015, 10:30am @ ART B1-03(LT) . Do come by and listen to what Angela have to say! She will be there to answer questions and provide useful advice! Meanwhile, below is a sneak peak of Angela’s experiences with LTA !
What first got you interested in the ADM internship programme?
The ADM internship programme came to my attention via the blog site. I was also receiving e-mailers from different professors informing us about the programme. There was also an internship talk which I attended, it was conducted by the school where industry professionals were invited. Through the talk, I realised the importance of putting our learning at ADM into the industry to receive real life work experience and that’s when I decided to sign up for the programme.
What was the most memorable experience during your internship?
I was interning at LTA where I got the opportunity to work with one of the best innovation and design solution company called IDEO. We went through an analogous brainstorming session where we try to gain inspirations for the transportation service from totally different industries such as from the F&B industry and also from the skincare industry. Ideas were mapped out and then explored how it could be applied for the Singapore public transport system service design.
What was the coolest/weirdest/craziest thing that happened while on the job?
I had the opportunity to look at MRT train prototypes that are still in development and not shown to the public. I also got to understand the design process from tenant approval to the final workable prototype. Visiting the MRT depot and learning how the train system operates was interesting. Interns get the chance to try out the emergency door opening at the end of the train carriage – without having to pay a fine of course ! I also got to learn that most of the MRT trains are bullet proof !
What would you say is the biggest takeaway from the entire programme?
The biggest takeaway is about learning the importance of how design plays a role in our everyday life. Interning for LTA was a heartening experience as it appears that the Singapore government is paying a lot of interest in design. Through my internship experience with LTA and IDEO, I got to learn that design goes beyond just drawing and making pretty things ! The concept of design thinking is also use to design services and experiences for commuters. Most of us (design students) are already well trained with the concept of problem solving but I learned not to limit the mindset to just applying it to my class assignments but that I should try to apply it to everywhere else in life too. Through the internship programme, I have learned to live design and breath design.
Advertising Operations Internship talk by UNRULY
For those who may be interested in a career in Social Media advertising, Video ad tech company UNRULY is giving a talk on it’s Advertising Operations Internship at the North Spine on 1st September.
Click here to view internship positions
Click here to register for UNRULY talk
Unruly (Talk on Internship)
Date : 1 September 2015, Tuesday
Time : 12.30 pm
Venue : LT 18, North Spine
Dress Code : Smart Casual
Target Audience :
Programmes : All Disciplines
Degree Type : Bachelor, Master
Graduate Year : 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
About Unruly
Video ad tech company Unruly is the leading programmatic platform for social video advertising , powered by UnrulyX , the first supply side platform (SSP) for mobile video to offer scaled delivery of native ad formats and guarantee the viewability of premium video impressions bought via RTB.

The self-source internship route: Presentation by Cheong Tong Pei
AY2014/15 Internship briefing
A second internship talk for AY2014/15 was organized in January 2015 for those who missed the first round back in November 2014.
Final year Vis Com student Cheong Tong Pei was invited to share with everyone his experiences of self-sourcing his own placement. Tong Pei was featured a while ago in one of our blogpost. He enlightened a roomful of potential student interns, all hungry to get a taste of the real world experience! Useful pointers were presented from how to go about looking for internship opportunities to what students should do and keep in mind when preparing for the big interview!
Below: Tong Pei presenting his internship self-source journey
One day career fair to meet Top Advertising Agencies in Singapore
For those who are self-sourcing your own placement, take note that the Institute of Advertising Singapore (IAS) is organizing a one day jet-packed career fair ! They are inviting all undergraduates to join them on the 5th Feb 2015 at the Red Dog Design Museum from 4pm-9pm !
Into their second year, the IAS Career Fair will bring to you more than 18 agencies and media owners together to provide a greater awareness and understanding of the marketing communications and advertising industry in Singapore – another potential ground to look for internship opportunities !
No registration required! Just turn up ready to meet the experts in the industry and have an exciting and informative evening. For more information, visit the Institute of Advertising Singapore website !
Video and image from The Institute of Advertising Singapore