
Although some of the programmes are still going on at the moment, there are improvements being seen in the regions through the efforts of the community and the management of the higher authorities.

After the locals have been educated about the direct link between their acts and the ecosystem around them, they have been more involved in conserving their environment. As such, by working together with the organisations to make their coastal resources sustainable, they are also provided jobs. They no longer have to depend heavily on jobs that harms the coastal regions. To date, at least 20 poor households have improved their standard of living, in the 3 locally managed LMMAs.

With education, the locals can forge their sense of identity as a community as they set similar goals in both conserving their environment and making livelihood from creating sustainability, so that they do not deplete the coastal resources that are available for them. At the national level, 30 policy makers are allocated to monitor the progress of the development of the LMMAs. They are able to provide relevant support when required by the locals as they have more knowledge to deal with the problems.

The project which took place in Soc Trang Province lasted from 2007 to 2014, and the results have been pleasant. The community and authorities are more experienced in implementing new and creative plans to restore and protect the coastal resources, such as mangroves. With this, jobs were also generated for the community, allowing them to lessen their dependence on the job sectors that damages the environment. Recruiting local people in the planning of the management also allows for long-term commitment by them to protect their resources.

Bamboo T-shaped fences and breakwaters were set up to protect the erosion of coasts and the success to this plan has brought about further plans to extend this measure to more areas.

The video below demonstrates how MMF has managed to effectively change the way of life for communities and ensure sustainable environmental management along with community resilience by involving several stakeholders.