Capitalism leads to environmental Degradation

William McNeill (1917-_)

The law of conservation of catastrophe : Catastrophe is the underside of the human condition, which is the price that is paid for altering and transforming the natural environment through the collective use of tools. The better mankind is at altering and controlling nature, and the increasing skills and knowledge; the more vulnerable human society becomes catastrophe. This potential for destruction is cumulative and colossal

Human purposes are often fragile, because they often do not take into account the consequences and the circumstances in which the impinge, resulting in results that are unexpected.

Frederick Engels (1870)

Dialectics of nature:

Humans have better understanding nature laws, which also give them the ability to perceive both immediate and remote consequences that will result from our interference with nature. With the development of science and technology, humans are in a position to realize and control natural consequences and production activities.

The present mode of production is predominantly concerned about immediate tangible results, rather than long- term sustainable goals. Hence our growing area in science would eventually be negated, if the reality of capitalist production is not addressed; resulting in dire consequence.

In the 18th-19th century, there is increasing awareness among the scientific community that the destruction of natural environment results in local and regional climatic change. There has been growing apprehension of the disastrous consequences of human transformation on the environment. This is also a result of the negative, long term effects of recent European expansion into inaccessible regions.

Marx (1818-1883)

Capitalism is driven by the accumulation of capital, however this capital is yet unable to limit the destruction of nature. A country that focuses on development from the point of capitalism and production, the more rapid the process of destruction. This division between nature and human would there accumulate, resulting in future destruction and hence a growing imperative to restore ecology.

Lankester (1987-_

The Effacement of Nature by man:

The unconscious destruction of natural habitats of living species and that of the earth will continuously undermine the living conditions of future generations. The civilization-threatening disasters is due to our increasingly reckless greed in humanity. The main mechanism at work is capitalism that is often devoid of conscience and impersonal that is driven by supply and demand.