Category Archives: Chinese Library

Introduction to the NTU Chinese Library

Chinese titles in the NTU Library collection used to be housed in the Humanities and Social Sciences Library but with the rapid expansion of the collection, the current library is unable to accommodate the ever increasing collection. In order to expand the collection space, and to provide faculty and students with a more conducive research environment, the current Humanities and Social Sciences Library has been converted into the Chinese Library. A newly renovated area at S4-B3C has been re-launched as the Humanities and Social Sciences Library.

The newly converted Chinese Library has a floor space of 1000m2 and a seating capacity of 132. It has 60,000 volumes of Chinese titles, 119 Chinese journal titles which covers topics such as the politics, economy and sociology of China. The core collection is on literature, history, philosophy and Chinese linguistics.

The Rare Book Collection include sets of valuable string-bound volumes such as the Wu Ying Dian version of the Dictionary of Kang Xi ( 如武英殿版《康熙字典》), the Chinese republican era version of Si Bu Chong Shu ( 民初版《四部丛刊》), The First Selected Serials of the Complete Four Great Classical Novels (《四库全书珍本初辑》)and the like.

Our library is indebted to well-known scholar Dr William Tay for donating his private book collection to the library. Some of his donated materials are first drafts and out-of-print works from contemporary Chinese writers.

The Chinese Library has also subscribed to electronic resources which includes 100,000 titles of Chinese e-books and 3 major Chinese databases covering a wide range of Chinese journals and newspapers from greater China.

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